SWIRL meeting

Toombs County Superintendent Waller and some members of his team asked to speak to Candler County Superintendent Longgrear and a few of the staff regarding our SWIRL initiative inside our schools and in the community. SWIRL is a literacy initiative meaning Speaking, Writing, Illustrating, Reading and Listening. Our schools have been using this initiative inside the classrooms, but want to engage more inside the homes of our children and in the businesses where children may frequent. We are building an action plan of how to get more SWIRLing done in our community....so stay tuned!

Toombs County staff were very thankful for the insight in hopes of integrating SWIRL a little more in their classrooms as well...not only in English, but in other subjects as well, like Math and Science. Candler County staff enjoyed the meeting and we learned a few things that we could use from Toombs as well. So, a win-win meeting for all!
#Septemberisliteracymonth #candlerswirls